We have over 30 years of consulting experience for healthcare organizations.
We are educators in the healthcare market and regulatory and management training.
SEE Educational Services
Michael J. McLafferty CPA, MBA, FACHE, FHFMA, FACMPEMJM Advisory and Educational Services, LLC (MJM) was started to assist healthcare organizations with the financial, operational, administrative and compliance challenges in the market today.
Michael McLafferty is the CEO and Founder with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare field. Michael has serviced major healthcare systems, clinically integrated networks (CIN), Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), major physician organizations, ambulatory surgery centers, healthcare joint ventures and for-profit health care organizations. Michael has led projects focused on merger/acquisition, cash flow improvement, and regulatory compliance. Michael has also provided interim management services that include CEO, CFO and COO roles.

Revenue Cycle Management
- Assessment of the Billings process
- Assessment of Collections process
- Assessment of Accounts Receivable process
- Cash Flow improvement review
- Coding and Documentation review
- Managed Care Contract review

Operations Review & Assistance
- Process improvement of key workflows
- Internal control review
- Policy and procedure manual review
- Practice management software review
- Interim management
- Recruiting

Mergers & Acquisitions
- Strategic planning
- Business Plan development
- Private Equity advisor
- Negotiation advisor

Healthcare Litigation Services
- Assist counsel with shareholder agreement reviews
- Assist counsel with the estimate of damages
- Assist counsel with interim management and recruiting

Regulatory Guidance
- Billing Compliance programs
- HIPAA privacy programs
- HIPAA security programs
- Compensation
What Our Clients Say

Summary of Key Items for CMS 2022 IPPS Final Rule
CMS released its final Inpatient Prospective Payment System rule on August 2nd. The rule increases Medicare payment rates for acute...
Amazon Alexa Protected Health Information (PHI)
A recent legal article highlighted Amazon’s Alexa device. The article suggests that Alexa may listen and record patient’s Protected Health...Get Our News